Don’t forget about me!
Don’t forget about me!
Don’t forget about me!
Don’t forget about me!
Don’t forget about me!
Don’t forget about me!
Losing feeling
I spent a long time trying not to feel
anything at all
Saying it was a good thing
I need (and want) to experience raw emotion.
To be here
And exist
And breathe; to live.
To watch you
You are a piece of everything around you. You are mountains, standing erect after being built up for thousands of years. Fields and prairies, whispering clouds, and screaming, raging fire. You are the Earth, and now, I don’t want to run away from it.
I am here, I am now.
And there is so much astounding beauty in that.
Developing good thoughts into existence
I understand what this feels like
I understand how to utilize this life
For the best that I can handle,
I don’t want to ever lose this feeling
But you come and go
Back and forth, back and forth.